Friday, January 30, 2009

chapter 6 (35-40)
1. the house was finished in june.

2. the kind of tree that he made his bed out of is an ash tree

3. the cattails taste like potatoes to him

4. an old woman who was picking berries 

5. picking berries and the person who was helping her was Sam

6. Sam will train a falcon
chapter (28-35)
1. in the summer, what people would visit the Catskill? 
hikers, campers and hunters.

2. what kind of work did Sam have to do to get his home ready?
he carved his tree,and sewed a leaf into a cup with strands of grass.

3. Sam also learned how to boil water and fry egg.

4. what did sam eat that tasted like lima beans?
He said that the dogtooth violets tasted like lima  beans.

5. The parts of the dandelions that sam ate are the green part and the root.

7. Sam found the eggs in a pine tree.

8. sam boiled the eggs by putting it on a leaf and over a fire

9. sam saw some crayfish

I thank civil right

the civil rights movement was one of the greatest things that happened to america and the people who fought for it like martin luther king jr Abraham Lincon. kennedy and his brother and more people I thank all of them.I am so glad that it happened if it didn't i would still be in africa.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

chapter 4 (25-28)
Sam is astonished about all this stuff he's seeing in his grandfather's farm. He go's out to catch some fish for breakfast and the fishes are not biting the line so he spots some mussel and since he was so hungry he jumped into the water and grabbed some in his hands. After breakfast he found some apple trees.... he's finding some interesting things in the farm so he go's on in search and sees a marsh and inside that marsh their was a cattail and arrow leaf those are really good starch food. At the top of the meadow he finds to gigantic maple and oak trees he had never seen trees as enormous as those this farm really getting more interesting by the moment.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Author preface
the author is named Jean Craighead George and this book is almost what she imaged in her head when she was little she wanted to run away into the woods and she also told her mom she imagined living next to a water fall. Her brothers two of the first falconers thought her how to train a falcon, and her father a naturalist thought her the plants and the animals of the eastern forest and showed her the wild edible fruits.Together all of them would live in the potomac river in Washington D.C . She new all these things and yet she still came home , when she was going through all this she was also typing it.

chapter 1 (3-9)
3-9 is how the boy started in the woods what kind of troubles he had in the woods and what kind of things he has learned in the woods. The storm was one of the things that he had to go through in the woods gust emagin having to be in a storm in the woods.

chapter 2 (9-20)
the second chapter is about the same thing as the first chapter but this on started when he rode
the train to the mountain . Sam took a 40$ , flint and steel he also got some tinder. Sam lives in a tree a big tree. He found a old man that lives in the woods to and he go in the how and the old man gives him some lessons on how to make fire,and the man cooked the fish for him because Sam feel asleep. And now that Sam knows how to make a fire he can concur the woods! at least he thinks so.

chapter 3 (20-25)
this chapter is about Sam trying to find his grandfather's farm . So he's trying to find it and he's having no luck he sees a school and he thinks what about the library it may have some kind of map that will show him the way to the farm, so he ask the librarian to help him find a map of it and she does but he can't take the book with him so she draws the map and he follows the map and she was right every little detail is in the map and now he is exploring the farm and he's living in the farm . That night he had cat fish for dinner it was the best dinner that he ever had in a long time.