Friday, February 27, 2009

painting with a hammer

this video is very interesting to me because you've never seen a person who can do such good work with a hammer it must have been very hard.I think this video is called painting with a hammer because his work is almost like painting but he does it with a hammer and i have to say it again he does it so well.

why do you think it is called painting with a hammer?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

these cups are magnificent aren't they they are different in different ways like their handles are different shapes , one is gold and the others aren't .One looks older than the others.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

native patterns

one pattern that i see is the Indians have a mark going up and the next persons mark is just plane and it keeps repeating. One other pattern i see is the top picture their pony tails some of them are longer than the next and it keeps repeating.

Monday, February 23, 2009

i like the quilt that has a whole bunch of wheels because it has a whole bunch of colors and it looks like it is a puzzle you have to try to fit the part of the wheel that go's with another part of a wheel.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I think she is thinking about when the this starvation is going to end and how she is going to feed her children.i think that's what she is thinking because of their clothing it's filled with dirt and it's ripped ,their skin are just not healthy.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

the past

one thing that makes him look a person from a long time ago is his old fashioned hat.

the second thing is his clothing no one wares those any more except in plays.

the third thing is the wig no one wears those kinds of wigs any more except for plays 

Monday, February 2, 2009

chapter 9 (50-54)

this chapter is about Sam finding some seasoning for his food he wrights a journal about his experience in the process and it go's pritty well he tries some seasoning that he herd of and it worked and also the fire warden left thats good now he can go back to his home. This animal that he cout that was angery that Sam did that so now he wouldn't leave Sam alone.
chapter 8 (46-50)
this chapter was about a man that Sam saw and Sam thought that he was going to take him back to where he came from so Sam did not go near his tree/home for some day because he was waiting for the fire warden to leave. He was waring a forester's uniform so Sam went to the gorge but before he go there he went and checked his trap and it was a rabbit that gave him an idea for rabbit sew he put wild garlic and jack-in-the-pulpit root in this chapter Sam never got back to his home in this chapter but Sam never even worried about his home because he was taking care of the falcon.